When building a complex GUI you will use objects other than simple gadgets. These objects are created the same way as gadgets, by writing a line to the pipe and then reading a response. Some of these objects return a GID and some simply return an ok.
You will also handle more types of events than just gadget and close events. You can receive menu events, keystrokes, window activation and other types of events. These events are handled the same way gadget events are handled.
A wide range of modify commands can be used. As well as modifying gadgets you can iconify the window, read gadget contents, set the windows busy pointer and other things. The range of modify commands you use will be determined by the type program you are writing.
Some types of gadget events (textfields, texteditors), and ARexx events require special handling since they can be more than one line. The tutorials will show you how to handle these events.
You should now work through the examples. They will not only help you learn to use AWNP, they will provide example code you can use for the basis of your own GUIs.